Sunday, December 18, 2011

Made it to $1660 and still climbing...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

How to Donate

Thanks to all those who made it out on Sunday and for those who could not make it, it's not too late to donate!  Our goal is to reach $2500 by Christmas, meaning we only need $1000 more!

We had a great time and managed to raise $1585 for the "Canadians for Kaeng Krachan Scholarship Fund"...BUT we're still short of our $2500 goal.

If you are still interested in donating, you can use paypal or email a money transfer ( Please help us send our students to school.

Thank you!

Rachel, Amanda and Tannis

For info on email transfers click here:

For PayPal:
If you already have a PayPal account, it is a free transfer to send $ directly from the funds on your account to ours. Otherwise, when sending from a credit card the fee is 2.9% + 30 cents.

Go to: > personal > send money



The Break Down

Fundraiser - December 11, 2011

We just want to say a big thank-you to all those who came out to support our fundraiser this past Sunday.

A special thank you to the two bands that donated their time and voices to our cause:

The Break Down
FM High Low

We would also like the thank San at the Fox and The Fiddle for donating the space!!

We ended up raising $1585 with donations still coming in!

To date we have raised $3585 for students at the Kaeng Krachan School!

Kaeng Krachan