Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Canadians for Kaeng Krachan Scholarship

Canadians for Kaeng Krachan Scholarship

How it works:

The school appointed a teacher to organize the allotment of the scholarship money in accordance to the student’s needs and who will also ensure the funds are used specifically for education expenses.

The criteria used to assess which students will receive the scholarship (decided on by the school director and teachers):
Students who come from poor families; strong academic record; good overall performance and behaviour; a desire to continue education in high school

Last year we raised $2000 = 63, 615 Thai Baht

The teaching team in Kaeng Krachan was able to distribute the funds to 4 students (two boys and two girls). Each student will receive an annual payment for a total of three years (until the completion of secondary school).

The scholarships were presented along with the Economic Faculty Alumni Scholarships (funded by one of the school directors and his friends) last January.

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