Tuesday, January 26, 2010


The three of us have all been lucky enough to have had the opportunity to volunteer as English teachers at a small elementary school in rural Thailand. The experience was unforgettable. The people of the village were incredibly warm, welcoming and they had a great indescribable spirit about them. The children were eager to learn, but despite their best efforts many will never have the chance to attend high school, as the nearest one is hours away. The trip made us all realize what we take for granted and how lucky we are to grow up in a country where everyone has access to proper education. When we left the school we promised ourselves we would not forget about these kids and we would find a way to help them in their education once we were home. This year we have started a fundraising project to send the kids of Gangkrajan to high school. Because the three of us are the initiators and sole organizers of this project, we really need support from our friends and family to make it work!

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